Opportunities for participation in parish life abound. The first step is coming and worshiping with us, joining your body and voice to the celebration of the Sacraments. Sing out, come to coffee hour after Mass, introduce yourself to the clergy and to other people. Come back! After you feel comfortable and feel settled, you can volunteer to do other things. We also hope that you will formally join the parish and become a member.
We are always looking to find people willing to volunteer in various ways. Please contact the Parish Clergy if you wish to participate.
You can participate in our ministry of hospitality by serving as an usher. Those working at the back of the church to welcome old and new faces alike are the front line of our ministry of hospitality. They also assist with setting up coffee hour to provide an opportunity to continue our fellowship after the service is over. If you are interested in ushering, please contact the Parish Clergy or the Parish Office.
Flower Guild. To sponsor flowers, music, or candles for Sundays during the church year please contact the Parish Office.
Community service. We are actively recruiting volunteers for our immigration services ministry, El Barrio Angels. Contact Justin at elbarrioangels@saintedwardthemartyr.com for more information.
Be creative. If you have an idea of how you would like to get involved, participate, do something with and for the parish, just get in touch with one of the clergy or vestry or any of the people mentioned above.